You belong here
We know that meeting new people and attending a new church has the potential to be intimidating and uncomfortable. We want to do everything we can to remove as much of that as possible to make your first experience at Connect Church a great one!
Service Times
Sundays | 9:00AM & 10:30 AM
In total, a service at Connect will last about 60 minutes. The service will open with the Connect Church Band leading the people in some songs. Words for the songs will be projected onto a screen so you can sing along and engage to the extent that you feel comfortable. After that, someone will share some announcements regarding upcoming church events and opportunities. Finally, a pastor will share an encouraging, practical message about Jesus.

What About My Kids

We believe kids should have a blast at church every single week. At Connect Kids, we make this a priority. We also make your child’s safety a top priority. Because of that, we have a detailed check-in process to ensure your child’s safety. And the entire kids area is secured after service starts.
The first time you visit, you’ll want to allow an extra ten minutes to register your child. Or you can preregister and we will have your child’s security tag waiting for you at the Welcome Desk in the lobby when you arrive.
Once your child is registered the first time, you can use the self check-in stations in the lobby to quickly print your child’s tag and get them to their age-appropriate classroom. Volunteers are standing by to assist with this process. Connect Kids environments are provided at all Connect Church services for children from baby up to grade 5.

Our Facilities


Washington, IL